Turquoise Room
Fourth Grade Curriculum
Evaluating Multiple Perspectives
Whether we're singing about verbs, reading a novel about social justice, or completing an art project for science, Turquoise Roomers are sure to experience learning in a unique, unforgettable way.
Across the curriculum, an emphasis is placed on communicating ideas and evaluating various perspectives.

Building Independence
In the Turquoise Room students are guided and encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their learning and to develop their time management skills.
Students also take responsibility for their learning by choosing what they learn through Wonder Hour. Wonder Hour is one of the most loved hours of a Turquoise Roomer’s week. Each student chooses a topic of interest to study. Then, they create a project to share their new-found knowledge with their classmates. Some Wonder Hour projects from the past include a model of a duck’s foot, a poster depicting and explaining the parts of a combustion engine, and a slideshow of birds native to Virginia and their habitat.