Orange Room
First Grade Curriculum
Cooperation, Compassion, & Communication
Building a sense of community in which each child recognizes and realizes the importance of compassion, communication, respect, cooperation and problem-solving is central to the Orange Room class structure. The children have a variety of opportunities to direct their learning based on their natural curiosity and interests. The Orange Room curriculum is both theme and literature-based incorporating the four core content areas: Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.

Encourage a Love of Learning
Artistic expression using a variety of media is integrated into all of the four core content areas. The children are immersed into the themes with opportunities to transform the appearance of the classroom based on the theme. Children are encouraged to become "experts" and teach each other and other classes the thematic concepts covered in class.
Diverse approaches are used in the presentation of content in order to incorporate the children's individual learning styles. Activities are hands-on and experiential. The children are encouraged to move at a pace that is right for them as individual learners. Developing a positive learning environment that supports and encourages a love of learning is an important goal in the Orange Room.