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Why We Fundraise
Remaining true to its historical roots, BNS is a parent-teacher cooperative. That relationship is strengthened and sustained, in part, through fundraising - a valuable source of revenue for BNS. More importantly, it provides an opportunity for families to get to know each other and become more deeply involved in our amazing community.
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Fundraising Events
What is a parent-teacher cooperative anyway?BNS was founded by a group of parents in 1971. For almost 50 years we have remained connected to those roots. While the academic program is delivered by a professional teaching staff, much of the other work of the school is done by parents in a cooperative fashion. During “normal” operations parents can be found supervising students on the playground during arrival and during lunch recess, cleaning the school, meeting to hire new teachers, coordinating fundraising events, reviewing budgets, and taking care of the building and grounds. Parents and teachers prioritize a sense of community and team up together to “raise the kids.”
What grades do you serve?Blacksburg New School is an indpenedent K-8 school, organized by our Elementary (K-5) and Middle School (6-8) buildings.
What is your average class size?We cap our classes at 14 students. Research shows that this number is optimal for supporting learning. Occasionally, classes are enrolled to 15 if there is a special circumstance, but this is done only after careful consideration with the curent classroom teacher and taking into account the dynamics of the current class.
How much parent involvement is “required”?Parents are offered the opportunity to do a regular service to the school for a reduced tuition (see Tuition Reduction Option information). This service, however, is not required. In addition to TRO jobs, there are other ways to be involved—serving on the school’s board of directors, making a content-related presentation to a class, working with the middle schoolers on an elective class. While we expect parents to support their children’s school lives, the level of involvement in the daily working of the school is determined by each family. And that level often changes from year to year depending upon everything from varying job responsibilities, new babies, dissertations, caring for parents, and more. There is a trusted ebb and flow in the who’s-doing-what that works.
Is BNS accredited?Yes. The school is accredited by the VCPE-approved accrediting organization Virginia Independent Schools Association, or VISA. VISA conducts an on-site visit and extensive review of curricula and procedures every 5 years.
What, if any, are your COVID protocols?All information about our current health and wellness protocols - including any pertaining to COVID-19 - can be found on our Illness Policy page, which you will find here (and is also linked from the footer menu Parents -> Illness Policies).
Can my child enroll in BNS kindergarten if they don’t meet the “five by September 30” cutoff?While we legally could allow early admission for younger children, we are committed to developmental integrity and choose not to do so. We have occasionally admitted younger kids as Pre-K students (when an unfilled Kindergarten enrollment spot is available). They begin their K year the following year. We find that kids who are academically advanced at age 4 are still 4-year-olds and we feel that reality needs to lead their early schooling. From time to time children have entered Kindergarten reading at an advanced level and they are provided with the space to grow and be challenged...while enjoying being a little kid with little kid friends. If a younger child’s advanced skills are truly self-driven there is not issue of boredom--at least not in the proper preschool. We encourage families to find preschools that provide the opportunity to play, interact, and learn good solid social skills while engaging in math and literacy activities as initiated and enjoyed.
How much outside time is provided to students?We believe in recess at BNS. There is a late afternoon snack recess, a mid-day lunch recess, and 3 PE periods outside. The afternoon pick-up time happens from the playground. And the school-sponsored After School Program is almost entirely outside. The school has a beautiful playground with lots of options for play. Middle school students also have a healthy set of outdoor options during the day, including outdoor lunch and a minimum of 30 minutes outside time following each lunch period.
How is the transition from BNS to high school?Each year brings the school the opportunity to gather information from families who have one child at BNS and an older child (a BNS graduate) in a local high school. This information has helped us create a transition that is quite smooth. Most of our students go to Blacksburg High School, with some going to Community High School in Roanoke, Christiansburg High School, and Radford High School. While specific information about grades, test scores, and college admissions is kept confidential by the high schools, many students and their parents share information with us. We find that students feel very well-prepared (academically and socially) for high school and that they tend to navigate their high school years with confidence and kindness.
Will my child take standardized tests at BNS?No. BNS does not administer standardized tests. Nor does BNS spend school time teaching to such tests. Students are meaningfully assessed (via reading inventories, math curricula unit tests, teacher-designed quizzes and tests) to assure readiness for the next level of learning. Students entering high school often take SOLs to validate a credit (e.g. for a high school level class taken at BNS—like Algebra I) and do very well.
What are the main reasons parents choose BNS for their children?Highly experienced (and caring) teachers Small class size (14 students/class) Innovative and challenging curriculum that meets kids where they are Ability to have kids in one school from K-8 Inclusion of Art, Spanish, Music, & PE into the core curricula beginning in Kindergarten Sense of community built upon relationships—which benefits kids and their families State accreditation, facilitating simple transfer of high school credit classes A focus on listening to, and understanding, what others say and how they might feel Lots and lots of outside time!
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