Our Teamwork Sets Us Apart

A Board of Parents & Teachers
Blacksburg New School is run by a Board of Directors, composed of parents and one rotating teacher representative. The Board, its officers and committees, and the teachers administer the day-to-day running of the school. Board meetings usually take place on the second Wednesday of each month. All parents and teachers are encouraged to attend Board meetings. Board and Corporation meeting minutes are distributed via email.
The Corporation is made up of all Blacksburg New School parents and teachers. There are mandatory Spring and Fall Corporation Meetings, where the board is elected. Each family has one vote divided equally between the parents. Each teacher also has one vote.
2024-2025 Board of Directors
Jenny Orr, Acting President & Vice President
Cindy Smith, Secretary
Donna Vaden, Treasurer
Crystal Hazzard
Emily Myers
Myra Leland
Robin Sanborn
Stan Harvey
Sue Santamaria
Tina Witcher
TJ Stone
Rotating Teacher Representative